San Joaquin College of Law offers a flexible program leading to the Juris Doctor degree. The degree can be attained in three, four, or five years. Attainment of the degree requires:

Completion of 86 semester units: 69 units of required courses and 17 units of electives, not more than four (4) of which may be clinical work. An additional four (4) units of clinical work may be completed in the New American Legal Clinic.

A cumulative grade point average of 65 or better at the end of spring semester. (Although transfer units from an ABA or state accredited law school may be accepted, only work completed at SJCL is credited toward a student’s cumulative GPA).

A minimum grade of 55 in all required courses.

Course attendance totaling a minimum of 16 semester units per academic year. 

Completion of all graduation requirements within 5 years of initial enrollment, or 6 years from initial enrollment if the student was granted the right to repeat the first year, unless such limitation violates some state or federal, statutory or regulatory, provision. 

Sample Fall Schedule for Evening Classes

  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
6:30-9:30p Torts Civil Procedure Contracts Legal Methods

Sample First Year Weekly Fall Schedule for Day Classes

  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
11:00a-12:20p Contracts Civil Procedure Contracts Civil Procedure
1:30-2:50p Torts   Torts  
1:30-4:30p       Legal Methods

* These sample schedules are subject to change.

Elective Units 

The elective units required for graduation are obtained through elective courses offered primarily during the evening. Elective credit can also be earned via other academic activities, such as external Moot Court competitions, externship work, or the New American Legal Clinic. Study abroad classes offered by ABA accredited law schools or otherwise approved by the Faculty Committee also count for elective credit.

Four-Year Program

SJCL’s Four-Year Program is designed for a diverse community. The curriculum is intended to accommodate the needs of working students, parents, commuters, and others who have substantial commitments outside of their studies. The program requires an average of ten classroom hours each week throughout the four years. A student should expect to spend approximately two to three hours in preparation time for each hour of classroom time. The program is designed primarily as a night program, but there are some daytime sections of classes offered depending on demand and availability.

Sample Four Year Program

Year 1 – Fall/Spring (20 Units)

Course Title Units
Civil Procedure I & II 5
Contracts I & II 6
Legal Methods I & II 4
Torts I & II 5

Year 2 – Summer (2 Units)

Course Title Units
Professional Responsibility 2

Year 2 – Fall/Spring (20 Units)

Course Title Units
Business Organizations I & II 4
Criminal Law/Criminal Procedure 6
Appellate Advocacy (Fall) 2
Property I & II 5
Real Property Drafting 1
Moot Court (Spring) 2

Year 3 – Summer (2 Units)

Course Title Units
Clinical and/or Electives 2

Year 3 – Fall/Spring (21 Units)

Course Title Units
Constitutional Law I & II 6
Evidence I & II 6
Wills, Trusts, and Estate Planning I & II 5
Clinical and/or Electives 4

Year 4 – Summer (4 Units)

Course Title Units
Clinical and/or Electives 4

Year 4 – Fall/Spring (17 Units)

Course Title Units
Advanced Research & Writing 3
Community Property 3
Remedies I & II 4
Clinical and/or Electives 7

Three-Year Option

Students in the Four-Year Program who complete the first year with a minimum cumulative GPA of 75 can accelerate their studies by transferring to the Three-Year Option. Students who wish to transfer to the Three-Year Option are required to meet with the Director of Student Services, Academic Dean, Dean of Students, or Dean for approval before transferring. If receiving financial aid, the transferring student must also meet with the Director of Financial Aid. The Three-Year Option requires students to take additional courses during the second and third year of the program and complete a minimum of four (4) clinical units. Any outside employment in excess of (20) hours per week is prohibited.

Sample Three Year Option

Year 1 – Fall/Spring (20 Units)

Course Title Units
Civil Procedure I & II 5
Contracts I & II 6
Legal Methods I & II 4
Torts I & II 5

Year 2 – Summer (6 Units)

Course Title Units
Professional Responsibility 2
Clinical and/or Electives 4

Year 2 – Fall/Spring (26 Units)

Course Title Units
Business Organizations I & II 4
Criminal Law/Criminal Procedure 6
Evidence I & II 6
Appellate Advocacy (Fall) 2
Moot Court (Spring) 2
Property I & II 5
Real Property Drafting 1

Year 3 – Summer (6 Units)

Course Title Units
Clinical and/or Electives 6

Year 3 – Fall/Spring (28 Units)

Course Title Units
Advanced Research & Writing 3
Community Property 3
Constitutional Law I & II 6
Remedies I & II 4
Wills, Trusts, and Estate Planning I & II 5
Clinical and/or Electives 7

Five-Year Option

Students who must extend their education because of family, work, or other commitments can reduce the per semester course load and complete the program in five years. Students who wish to select this program must first seek authorization from the Director of Student Services, Academic Dean, Dean of Students, or Dean. The Juris Doctor degree must be completed within a total of five years from the time of admission.

SJCL Credit Hour Policy

One unit of credit for every course is provided for every one hour of direct faculty instruction in class per week through one 15-week semester. For example, a 3-unit course must meet for 3 hours per week. For every hour of direct faculty instruction in class, a minimum of two hours of out-of-class student work is expected. However, most students find that they must devote significantly more out-of-classroom time to their courses in order to be successful.

The Credit Hour Policy is reviewed to ensure compliance for all classes every two years. All new courses when reviewed and approved by the Curriculum Committee are reviewed for compliance with the Credit Hour Policy.

Required Courses for Graduation

Course Units
Advanced Research & Writing 3
Appellate Advocacy 2
Business Organizations I & II 4
Civil Procedure I & II 5
Community Property 3
Constitutional Law I & II 6
Contracts I & II 6
Criminal Law and Procedure 6
Evidence I & II 6
Legal Methods I & II 4
Moot Court 2
Professional Responsibility 2
Property I & II 5
Real Property Drafting 1
Remedies I & II 4
Torts I & II 5
Wills & Trusts I & II 5

Total Required Units: 69
Total Elective Units: 17
Total Units: 86