David J. Guy
Adjunct Professor of Law
J.D., University of Colorado School of Law
B.S., San Diego State University
Courses Taught
Professor Guy is the President of the Northern California Water Association, where he represents numerous water districts and local governments in the Sacramento Valley. He was previously the Chief Executive Officer for the Yosemite Association, a non-profit association dedicated to connecting people to Yosemite National Park. He has represented public, private and nonprofit clients on all aspect of natural resources law and policy, including water, land use, and real property, including serving Of Counsel to Somach, Simmons and Dunn, a natural resources law firm with offices in Sacramento and Fresno, and the California Farm Bureau Federation. He has advised the last three Governors on California water policy and he has been appointed to serve on numerous commissions and boards. He has written two dozen articles on water and natural resources law and policy in various law reviews and other professional journals.
- Conjunctive Use from the Ground Up: The Need to Protect Landowner’s Rights to Groundwater at the University of California, Davis Proceedings of the 21st Biennial Groundwater Conference (1998).
- A Crossroads for the Endangered Species Act, 8 CALIFORNIA WATER LAW AND POLICY REPORTER 65 (1998); 7 CAL. LAND USE AND POL’Y REP. 97 (1998); 2 WESTERN WATER LAW AND POLICY REPORTER 81 (1998).
- A Deal is a Deal: Why Developers Cannot Subdivide Williamson Act Lands for Residential Purposes, 6 CAL. LAND USE LAW AND POL’Y REP.105 (1997).
- CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL LAW AND LAND USE PRACTICE, Chapter 70, Agricultural Preservation, (Manaster & Selmi, eds., 1997).
- Indian Water in the New West, book review, 9 WESTERN LEGAL HISTORY 108 (1996).
- A Model Water Transfer Act for California: An Agricultural Perspective, 4 HASTINGS WEST NORTHWEST J. OF ENVT’L L. & POL’Y 75 (1996).
- New Requirements to Balance California’s Water Budget: Coordinating Water Supply and Land Use Planning, 6 CAL. WATER LAW AND POL’Y REP.41 (1995).
- Presenter at California Irrigation Institute: Water Rights, Time and the Public Interest (1995).
- Protecting Landowners’ Rights to Groundwater in California, 13 CA. REAL PROP. J. 23 (1995).
- Fusion of the Ages: Sacramento’s Central Library, Old City Guardian (1993).
- Approaches to Groundwater Quality Protection in the Western United States, 27 WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH 259 (1991).
- New Colorado River Developments Affecting California, 1 CAL. WATER LAW AND POL’Y REP.127 (1991).
- When the Law Dulls the Edge of Chance: Transferring Upper Basin Water to the Lower Colorado River Basin, 1991 UTAH L. REV. (1991).
- David J. Guy, Landslides Along the Mount Soledad Fault, La Jolla, California (1986) (thesis, San Diego State University) (on file with the author).